Projects & partners

Projects & partners

Protection, Field Visits and Solutions

with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

In scope of the “Protection, Field Visits and Solutions” Project, implemented in 43 provinces with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), protection activities are conducted towards asylum seekers and refugees, social and psychosocial counselling services are provided, and referrals are made to authorized institutions and organizations in order for refugees to reach their rights and services.


Child and Family Support Centers

with United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

In the Child and Family Support Centers, operating with the supported of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), services are mostly provided to asylum seeking children; informative talks are held and activities are conducted with children and their families on issues like access to fundamental rights and services, nutrition, breast feeding, child care and health, inter-family communication, child development, school registration and preparation for school. On the other hand, by ensuring the participation of Turkish and Syrian families, awareness raising activities for cohesion and positive perception are organized in child and youth friendly spaces.

Women and Girls Safe Space

with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

In scope of the “Women and Girls Safe Space” project implemented with the partnership of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), services are provided in 11 Women and Girls Safe Spaces established in 6 provinces. These spaces provide information and services to women and girls on issues like women’s and reproductive health, women’s rights, gender based violence and gender equality, psychosocial support and access to healthcare services. Women and girls are also able to socialize in this comprehensive and strengthening environment. These spaces continue conducting activities with the collaboration of Provincial Directorates of Health.


Health Services Access

with United Nations World Health Organization (WHO)

In scope of the “ASAM Support and WHO Refugee Health Program in Strengthening the Access to Health Services of Syrian Asylum Seekers Under Temporary Protection”, carried out by the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), ASAM and Provincial Health Directorates of the Ministry of Health, service is provided in Migrant Health Training Centers located in the provinces of Ankara, Hatay, Izmir and Mersin; facilitating the access of Syrian refugees under Temporary Protection to primary healthcare services is targeted.

Women’s Development and Solidarity Center

with United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), International Labour Organization (ILO) and Gaziantep Municipality

In the SADA – Women’s Development and Solidarity Center, operating in Gaziantep with the collaboration of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), International Labour Organization (ILO) and Gaziantep Municipality, activities are conducted for Syrian women and girls in order to increase their access to means of livelihood.


Enhanced Support to Refugees

with European Union

In scope of the “Enhanced Support to Refugees Affected by the Syrian and Iraqi Crises in Turkey” project, funded by the European Union, activities are held at the Sustainable Living Centers in Yalova and Karabük provinces with the purpose of developing the admittance, integration and protection processes of asylum seekers in Turkey having been affected by the Iraqi and Syrian crises.

Social cohesion and multi-service support centers

Apart from these, projects are implemented with the collaboration of the German Development Organization based on social cohesion and Multi-Service Support Centers.