What We Do
Giving counselling to the individuals or groups seeking international protection about advocating for their rights and help them get in touch with related national and international authorities.
Organizing courses, seminars, conferences and panels where we discuss issues of human mobility, contribute to the researches in the field, announce the outcomes of these discussions and make novel suggestions regarding the resolution of the issues.
Supporting particularly women, children, patients and elderly in their vulnerabilities which attain more importance as a result of human mobility and working in coordination with other related organizations in this context.
Working at home and abroad on the issues of human mobility in line with the association’s objectives so that the issues are comprehended more clearly by the public, solutions for the issues are produced, that public opinion is formed and public support gained, issues gain public recognition, comprise resources for future works and ameliorate the existing conditions.
Producing all sorts of data, documents and publications necessary for the work of the association; creating a documentation center, circulating the findings, producing publications such as newspapers, magazines, books and bulletins and establishing a research center.